Sirmione is one of the most popular "sights" on Lake Garda, with thousands of visitors flooding in each day to view the picturesque peninsula. It may not be the best known place to stay for a lake holiday in Italy, but images of the castle at the entrance to the old town and the Roman ruins on a promontory feature in every information booklet about Lake Garda.
History plays a larger role in Sirmione than many of the other lakeside
resorts, with the grotto, the fortress and the thermal baths and you
can find more information here:
Information about Sirmione
Some Sirmione Photos
Although Sirmione isn't as popular a stay-put resort as villages
such as Bardolino or Garda, there is a good range of hotel accommodation.
More information:
Hotels in Sirmione
And, of course, there's always the question of getting there. For a map and
some advice about the best ways via car or plane try our travel page:
Travel to Sirmione
Informations sur Sirmione en français : Sirmione Italie (Fr)
The Sirmione peninsula from the air
We hope you find this website useful and look forward to hearing
your comments about the site and the village. We especially welcome any views
about the resort from those who have stayed there.
Sirmione Italy